Sound Meditation: What are the Benefits of Sound Meditation


Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by AMANDA CASTILLO

What is Sound Meditation

Sound Meditation, also known as Sound Healing, Sound Baths, and Sound Therapy, is a practice like no other. I know it sounds so L.A. even writing this post, but I can’t tell you enough how much Meditation, in general, has changed my life! All types of Meditation can be so beneficial and healing. However, in particular, Sound Meditation has been life-changing and amplified my love of Meditation even more.

I started practicing SGI-USA Nichiren Buddhism, chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo out loud at 13, so the idea of Meditation isn’t that foreign to me. Recently, I implemented Sound Meditation into my routine after my best friend introduced me to it several years ago. She is a certified Sound Healer and plays so beautifully. After my first session, I was instantly hooked. There was a release during the process I had never felt before, even with all my years of chanting. So, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Sound Meditation.

What are the Benefits?

You may be asking yourself, what are the benefits of Sound Meditation? This particular type of Meditation allows you to drop into the body and less of the mind. During the sessions, personally, my fight or flight mode turns off, allowing me to be more present in the moment and fall into a more relaxed state of being. 

How Does It Work?

The instruments used during a sound bath stimulate the alpha and theta brain waves, scientifically allowing a deeper state of consciousness while resetting your mind and body. Singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, and other overtones create this space to bring back balance and calmness to the mind and body with minimal effort. Oftentimes you are lying down with a blanket. If this wasn’t already a yummy experience, the blanket sends me delightfully over the edge.

Sound Meditation is also likened to therapy sessions. Another one of my favorite things! The sessions invite a restorative process that nurtures the mind & body through sound. For example, during a Sound Bath, you are guided into a meditative state while immersed in sound for a therapeutic and restorative process. The entire experience soothes the nervous system, improves sleep, and offers much-needed relaxation that most people are after. It’s an experience like no other. 

Where are they done?

Sound Meditation can be done anywhere; however, they are usually done at yoga/fitness studios or the sound healers’ homes. Prices can range from $20-75 a session. Being from L.A., there are so many places to choose from, and no experience is the same. I have even had a Sound Bath at a Yin Yoga class, the most therapeutic class I’ve ever attended at the gym. After every session, I walk away in a better mood and feel much lighter after releasing built-up tension and stress.

Smart Light Sunrise Alarm Clock -TEMU

I hope this has convinced you to try it out for yourself. It’s truly a treat and self-care to the fullest.

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  1. Thank you for posting this Amanda. Because of you and the information you provided on Sound Meditation, I gave it a try and I’m hooked. Best thing ever!

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Amanda Castillo

Amanda is a California girl with a passion for life, travel and creating value out of everything! Explore life's wonders though her eyes & get ready to smile!

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